SEC’Y: CAPT Dave Carruth, USN (Ret.) |
Let’s start this column by dropping back to graduation award ceremonies. RADM Miller is making our Class presentations and sent along this letter and picture. |
Click here to see enlargement of letter |
Academy data shows the following: USNA CLASS YEAR Cyber Info. I’ve reported the results of the Cyber Challenge where, each year, colleges and some Government Agencies. Compete to solve a problem. The Academy has done exceedingly well in these competitions. I believe we can take pride in having given Information Technology a jump-start with our Class gift. For your calendars, Hopper Hall is slated for dedication next year and will probably send invitations to the surviving members of the Class. Watch for them. 70th Luncheon/Reunion
From left to right, Hank Clay, Gene Mulligan, Warren Graham, Cab Davis, Charlie Mertz, Tom Hayward and Phil Shutler. |
No other pictures because I have not learned how to pluck a single picture from an email and move it to the column. I will ask my sson-in-law to teach me; however, for now those of you on the email distribution list have all the really great pictures on the luncheon/reunion which show clearly that everyone had a very good time. I particularly want to thank those who put in a lot of time to make it happen, Jean Mertz, Grace Harkins, Diana Keenan and Rosemary Hogg. Thank you for all your time and effort and BRAVO ZULU. Since the last column I have received word of the loss of one Classmate: 6th Co. Quinn, P.L. 6/4/18 He has a biography in the 30 year book. |