SEC’Y: CAPT Dave Carruth, USN (Ret.)
                                                  7206 Danford Lane; Springfield, VA 22152
                                                   P: 703-569-1354        E: [email protected]
                                       WEBMASTER: John Tsiknas
                                                    15644 Caldas De Reyes, San Diego, CA 92128
                                                    E: [email protected] 
                                        WEB SITE:

Let’s start this column by dropping back to graduation award ceremonies.  RADM Miller is making our Class presentations and sent along this letter and picture.
                           Click here to see enlargement of letter


Academy data shows the following:

USNA CLASS YEAR           Cyber     Info.
                                              Ops.    Tech.
2005                                                      67
2006                                                      29
2007                                                      38
2008                                                      42
2009                                                      18
2010                                                      17
2011                                                      19
2012                                                      26
2013                                                      18
2014                                                      23
2015                                                      15
2016                                      27            15
2017                                      45            14
2018                                      22            13
Total                                      94           354

I’ve reported the results of the Cyber Challenge where, each year, colleges and some Government Agencies. Compete to solve a problem.  The Academy has done exceedingly well in these competitions.  I believe we can take pride in having given Information Technology a jump-start with our Class gift.

For your calendars, Hopper Hall is slated for dedication next year and will probably send invitations to the surviving members of the Class.  Watch for them.

70th Luncheon/Reunion
This is Charlie Mertz’s 13 Co write-up on the event:

For a long time, it looked like ’48 was going to be unable to muster enough able bodies to hold a 70th reunion, but after some discussion about changing the format from a three-day affair to a nice lunch, enough classmates committed to attending and we had a great time.  Grace Harkins and Jean Mertz took on the job of organizing and planning, and enlisted more help from Rosemary Hogg, Diana Keenan  to call all local members of the Class.   Jean, Doris, Grace, Janet and Rosemary did a great job of decorating the Bistro at Vinson Hall with Blue and gold balloons and the tables with Blue and Gold ribbon.  Dave Carruth put out his all hands notice, and we ended up with 21 attendees.  This included seven Classmates and the rest were spouses or retired children acting as drivers for the occasion.  We did have one individual, Louise Ball, daughter of George and Carolyn Ball, who was adopted as a member of ’48 a long time ago during one of the annual pool parties held at the Ball’s house.  If there had been a prize for the longest commute to the party, it would have gone to Tome Hayward who arrived from his home on the West Coast.  Everyone had a chance to use the microphone to tell us something about their days in the Navy or Marine Corps.  The attendees were:  Warren and Nancy Graham with their son Curry; Grace Harkins and her daughter Janet;  Tom Hayward; Rosemary Hogg; Charles and Jean Mertz with Doris Iacombelli (a friend of over 50 years and widow from ’46); Gene and Dorothy Mulligan; Elizabeth Reed; Hank and Inez Clay with daughter Rondelle Clay; Phil Shutler; Cab and Libby Davis with son Cab Davis III; and Louise Ball.

From left to right, Hank Clay, Gene Mulligan, Warren Graham, Cab Davis, Charlie Mertz, Tom Hayward and Phil Shutler.      

No other pictures because I have not learned how to pluck a single picture from an email and move it to the column.  I will ask my sson-in-law to teach me; however, for now those of you on the email distribution list have all the really great pictures on the luncheon/reunion which show clearly that everyone had a very good time.  I particularly want to thank those who put in a lot of time to make it happen,  Jean Mertz, Grace Harkins, Diana Keenan and Rosemary Hogg.  Thank you for all your time and effort and  BRAVO ZULU.

Since the last column I have received word of the loss of one Classmate:  6th Co. Quinn, P.L.  6/4/18   He has a biography in the 30 year book.