SEC’Y: CAPT Dave Carruth, USN (Ret.)
                                                  7206 Danford Lane; Springfield, VA 22152
                                                   P: 703-569-1354        E: [email protected]
                                       WEBMASTER: John Tsiknas
                                                    15644 Caldas De Reyes, San Diego, CA 92128
                                                    E: [email protected] 
                                        WEB SITE:

 MARCH - 2018

As you read this we are 2+ months from our 70 reunion.  The Washington/Annapolis area no longer has anyone physically/ mentally willing to take on the task of gathering a committee and putting together a reunion as we have had in the past and my email inquiry as to who would come to a reunion in Annapolis produced about 30 total who would commit.  The hotels of course are less than interested in groups that small in so far as big discounts are concerned.  If we were to reduce the gathering to a lunch or dinner I would question whether people far out in the hinterlands would want to travel that far for a single meal to visit with a few Classmates.   It occurs to me that perhaps we could have a “virtual” reunion wherein local groups would gather for lunch or dinner, take pictures and send them to me.  I would use one or more columns to publish them as well as sending them along via email and asking John Tsiknas  7th Co.  to make a single posting on our home page.  Regardless, the month would be June 2018.  If any of you have a better idea call me  and let’s discuss it.

Here is some information which some of you have requested:
 Anyone wishing to donate a ring, the address is—USNA Alumni Association
                                247 King George Street
                                Annapolis, MD  21402
                                Attn: Noreen Frenaye

Since the last column I have learned of the passing of five classmates and one wife.
        8th Co.  Borchert, W.H.       12/12/17 * #
        Non Grad  Rakestraw, D.U.  12//2/17
        20th Co  Fargo, R.R.            11/1/17  * #
        22nd Co Rubenstein, R.H.    11/24/17 *
        7th Co. Ennis, R.F. Sr.         10/15/17

  • bio in 30 year book,  # bio in 50 year book

Dr. Judy Flood 12/11/17 ,wife of Bob Flood 18th Co.  Judy is inurned at the columbarium.  Judy was a real “live wire”.  She picked up quickly on Bob’s love and devotion to the Academy and the Class so she joined right in.  At the 65th she arranged for an excellent presentation at the hotel much enjoyed by many of us.  As our Washington/Annapolis luncheons begin to fall apart she established a calling committee of wives to try to get people to a monthly luncheon, which ended up always being in Annapolis, and functioned for a fairly long period of time, well attended, but slowly fading away as people dropped out.  She was an inspiration and the Class will miss her.

i would be remiss if I didn’t also mention Rhona Gorder and the part she played in the San Diego reunion and the cruises that she and Chuck put together for the Class.

Jack LeDoux, who lives in Blacksburg, VA has followed up on my frequent recommendation to take the time to write your own obit not depend on someone else to do it after you’re gone.  Jack lost his wife Betty in 2010. He says he is doing “OK”.  They celebrated their 60th anniversary in 2008.  That marriage produced 8 children 11 grands and 9 great-grands.  Last job from 1982 was as an elder and treasurer of Triedstone Christian Center in Blacksburg. 

Thanks Jack and hang in there.

For the rest of you, if you haven’t written your regular obit and the 400 word limited obit for Shipmate, give it some serious thought and action.  Make certain your family knows where the completed version is located.

This column is very short because you have given me nothing from which to produce a column, which in my opinion is intended to tell your Classmates how, and what you are doing.  By the time you read this my next two deadlines will have come and gone so you may get two more very short write-ups.