SEC’Y: CAPT Dave Carruth, USN (Ret.) |
Lacking much input I’m going to blind you with some numbers which I hope you will find interesting. To attempt to see who is receiving Shipmate I asked the Alumni folks to give me a copy of their mailing list to the Class of ’48. The following is some of what that list produced: I am in contact with 148 Class emails so apparently 36 of my addresses do no receive Shipmate. My records show that there are 187 of us still vertical so I believe between the magazine and Shipmate we should be getting the word out reasonably well. If you find, or feel, that you are being left out please contact me and we’ll get you in the loop one way or another. Ty and Bettye Dedman are still traveling and seeing the wonders of the world. They recently joined other alumni on a two-week cruise aboard PEARL MIST. It sounds like a great cruise including Niagara Falls (which Betty and I have never seen) and other stops of interest. Of the several other classes represented one of them commented that the highlight of the trip for him was lobster, lobster and lobster. Bettye Dedman’s comment was that “it was nice to have some kids aboard.” I frequently find myself losing contact with people and not having another family contact to check with leaves me in the dark. Two people in the lost category right now are Kitty Bacon and Celesta True. I have started a family contact list and asked the email folks to provide names if they feel comfortable with doing so. Responses are coming in slowly. If you Shipmate readers would join in I would appreciate it. In the meantime is anyone in contact with Kitty or Celesta? An email from Mike Ames was of interest:
An email from Tom Hayward 21st Co. dated 23 Nov. says—
Since the last issue I have learned of the passing of six classmates and one wife. We shall miss each of them and send our condolences to the families. For those of you with email the minutes of the spring meeting of the COCP are posted there. This is a short column because I need more input. When you send me something and attach a picture I will try to put it in the column but make certain you’ve sent everything by sending it to yourself. I believe Tom Hayward had a picture of the luncheon group but I did not receive it. Tom if you have a picture send it along and I will put it in the next column. Since you are now reading the first issue of 2018 and since most of us were born in 1924 the average age of those of us still around is 93. Hard to believe but let’s try to keep it going. Betty and I hope all of you had a wonderful holiday season. We were very fortunate at Thanksgiving to have our entire family less only two grandsons, one went to his mother’s family, the other had to stay on the job as a beekeeper but will be with us at Christmas. We still have some unfinished business regarding yea or nay on a 70th reunion and I will try to keep you apprised on developments.