SEC’Y: CAPT Dave Carruth, USN (Ret.)
                                                  7206 Danford Lane; Springfield, VA 22152
                                                   P: 703-569-1354        E: [email protected]
                                       WEBMASTER: John Tsiknas
                                                    15644 Caldas De Reyes, San Diego, CA 92128
                                                    E: [email protected] 
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APRIL - 2017

In the last column I told you about Hopper Hall and the proposal for a plaque, which would commemorate the Class of ‘48s contribution to that effort.  I sent that column to Phil Rogers and he has given me some elaboration.  Tom and Phil decided to submit a proposal to the Academy superintendent that would provide permanent recognition of the Class of 1948’s contribution to the development of the Information Technology and Cyber Operations curricula.  It was decided that an appropriate way to do it would be the inclusion of a small stone with a bronze tablet inscribed with words of acknowledgement that set forth the impact of the Class contribution.  (The text was included in the March issue of the ’48 column in SHIPMATE.)  The stone and tablet should resemble the one we have at our Gate 1 sitting area and will rest in highly public and visible location near the entrance to Hopper Hall.

On 15 November Phil submitted a letter with a complete description of the proposal to the superintendent, Vice Admiral Carter, for his consideration. On 20 January Phil received Admiral Carter’s reply, approving the entire plan.  The final form of the stone and the plaque will be coordinated with Ms Sara Phillips, USNA architect, as will it’s location within the Hopper Hall complex.

Final note, construction of Hopper Hall starts this winter and is expected to complete in 2019, dedication to follow.  It was decided that it would be a good idea to have some one younger to back us up in the planning and execution.  You should remember that when Bill Miller was the Academic Dean and Provost we elected him an honorary member of the Class.  Phil contacted Bill and asked if he would be our backup to work with Sarah and Bill has accepted.

Scribe’s note:  This is a really good move and we thank Bill for taking on this responsibility.

An email from the Gorders says, effective immediately our address is: 1315 Eagle Glen, Escondido, CA 92029.

Our new home phone number is (760) 294-4656.  Cell remains the same (619) 933-5783.  Email remains the same: [email protected]
We decided to downsize into a smaller single story home to replace our tri-level home where we have spent the past 19 years.

Rhona says they were very pleased to hear from Bill Pierson recently and to know that he and Muriel are doing fine.

A note from Fred Jackson in response to my request for thoughts on a 70th reunion. 

“I missed the 65th reunion and vowed I would be at the 70th if there was one; however, I now have a heart valve problem and that has led to a shortage of breath.  I need oxygen if I walk too far or too fast.   I have it available all the time.  I have NO pain or discomfort and since I am careful I don’t use the oxygen often.  Under these circumstances though I don’t think I would be wise to attempt attendance at a reunion.

Since the last column I have been told that we have lost four Classmates and three wives.
          14th Co.  Duncan, E.F.                  9/29/16
          4th   Co.    Giles, R.T. Jr.              1/15/17  #*
          9th   Co     Woods, Tom II            ?           #*
          4th   Co.    Bartow, W.R.             11/29/16 #*
                   Obits in # 50 yr. book, * 30 year book

Alt, Helene  8/27/16 wife of Walt (deceased 2nd Co) Helene and Walt raised two children, a boy in computer technology and a girl with a law degree.  Helene, along with Walt, was very active with the Austin Symphony, opera and ballet plus many other civic volunteer efforts.

Hayward, Peggy 1/17 wife of Tom 21st Co.  Peggy was the “wind under the wings” of her aviator husband, who advanced to the ultimate command in the U.S.Navy, Chief of Naval Operations.  Together, Peggy and Tom traveled every corner of the world and met and feted with the leaders of many countries.  Representing the U.S. Navy around the world she flew in 11 different helicopter and airplane types of the Navy, logging 575,562 total miles. She and Tom raised two girls.  Peggy passed away a little over a month before their 69th wedding anniversary.  She was 92.

Scribe’s note:  Most of the above was taken from Peggy’s obit published in the Seattle Times on 1/15/17

Giles, Kathy 1/3/17 wife of Don (deceased 4th Co.).  She and Don raised three children, one girl and two boys.  She was a vibrant personality who embraced life with an open, loving, gracious heart that touched everyone she met.

Scribe’s note:  Of interest, see Classmate list above.  Don passed away 12 days after Kathy.

Speaking for the Class, we send our condolences to each of the families.  We shall miss each of those we have lost.

An email from John Gaffigan’s daughter, Theresa, tells me that her mom (Mary Ellen) and dad are living with her and enjoyng their granddaughters, 15 & 10.  She also sent along three pictures.  The first is a 2015 picture of John and Mary Ellen, the second was taken at a tailgate (they have season tickets and John goes as often as he can), and the third picture was taken at Theresa’s wedding.


It’s time to consider LAST CALL.  If you decide that you would like to have an obit in LAST CALL then I suggest, if you haven’t already done so, that you sit down and write it.  The maximum length is 400 words and you know best what you wish to be remembered for.  The subject came up this month with family members asking me where they can find information on their husband/dad.  Once you have what you are happy with show it to your family then show them where it will be filed.  I suggest you place it with the Lucky Bag and the 30 and 50 year books if you have them.

Our son-in-law recently gave us a book, which Betty and I have now read and found very interesting and educational.  We think many of you might also enjoy it.  The book is The Life and Death of Planet Earth by Peter D. Ward and Donald Brownlee.  It was first published in 2003.  About the authors:  Peter D. Ward and Donald Brownlee are the coauthors of the acclaimed and bestselling, Rare Earth.  Don Brownlee is a professor of astronomy at the University of Washington and has been involved in many space experiments and directs Stardust, a NASA mission currently flying to a comet.  Scribe Note: I believe that mission was a success.  Peter Ward is a professor of geological science and zoology at the University of Washington and the author of nine other books including Future Evolution, In Search of Nautilus, The Call of Distant Mammoths, and The End of Evolution.

For any of you who choose to read it we hope you enjoy it as much as we did.  If Homo sapiens doesn’t do itself, and Earth, in by nuclear warfare or destroying our atmosphere by burning too much fossil fuel or some other self imposed crisis then our earth may survive for another 50 billion years.