SEC’Y: CAPT Dave Carruth, USN (Ret.)
                                                  7206 Danford Lane; Springfield, VA 22152
                                                   P: 703-569-1354        E: [email protected]
                                       WEBMASTER: John Tsiknas
                                                    15644 Caldas De Reyes, San Diego, CA 92128
                                                    E: [email protected] 
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Since I am beginning to assemble this column on 26 Nov. ’16 we have already eaten our way through Thanksgiving and are preparing for Christmas.  I pray that your holidays were absolutely wonderful and that you exercised some discretion regarding the overloaded table.  Our children came and prepared turkey et al here at our house, all Betty and I had to do was enjoy the company and come to the table when called.  The grandchildren didn’t make it and they were missed.

Let us begin by correcting an oversight on my part in the last column.  When I was telling you about Alice and Tom  O’Connor’s 19th Co. family contribution to the USNA/Navy I didn’t get the people correct so here is the way it should have read:  “Nic” represents a third generation O’Connor to enter USNA.  Tom ’48 (Supply), son Tom Jr. ‘75(Submarines), son Larry ’83 (NFO/EA6B), grandson Peyton Walsh ’15 (Marines), grandson Bradley Elder ’15 (Navy Seals) and now grandson Nicholas, Class of 2020.

Scribe’s note:  Tom and Alice you have much to be proud of. 

                                                Tom and Alice O'Connor
                                                   Nic and Tom O'Connor
As do many churches, mine included, the Gorder’s church asked all retired and active duty service personnel to wear their uniforms to church to celebrate Veterans Day so Chuck did and Rhona sent this picture.
                        Chuck's daughter Janet Dabbert, Chuck and Rhona

A short snail mail from Frank Fogarty 14th Co. on Sept. 8  reports:

Moving to Spokane gave me the opportunity to stop in the Tri-cities and chat with Terry Terrass 2nd Co. is in an assisted living home there, in a wheel chair but as perky as ever. One of his daughters lives in his house, checks in often and gets him out for concerts, movies and dining.  It took a few hours to get us both up to date.  We’ve stayed in touch over the years since we were shipmates, as commissioning engineers on USS SEAWOLF (SSN 575).  He took Jimmy Carter’s slot as we got the prototype plant operating at GE in West Milton, NY.  Carter resigned to operate the peanut farm, raise his younger brother, and dabble in politics when his father passed away.  Stayed together in Groton, CT while getting the 2nd nuke to sea and then going on to other SSN/SSBNs as Engineers, XO’s and COs.  We are now both widowers and as I’m still driving, will get a chance to visit more often.

Terry Terass and Frank Fogarty 

I have been notified of the loss of five Classmates since the last column.

         6th Co.    Bilderback, O.J.                     9/26/16 *
         19th Co.  Brewster, B.Y., Jr.                10/31/16
         22nd Co. Bevis, B.W.                          10/29/16 #
         1st. Co.   Rab, B.                                11/12/16 
         23rd Co.  Perkins, J.M.                        11/18/16
          * Bio. in 50 year book.  # Bio. in 30 year book

I hope the fact that I have received no information on loss of wives is correct.

We send our condolences to each family and we shall miss each Classmate.

At least a couple of columns back I mentioned a 70th reunion and asked for comments.  About four people have responded and each response was positive also stating that their preferred venue is Annapolis.  One of my “yes” correspondents, Hart Stringfellow 1st Co, commented on July 21st ’16:

I have religiously attended all of our past class reunions, even the ones in California, so would plan to attend the 70th if we decide to have one.  Because I have had five bad falls during the past two years, have only one eye and am deaf as a post in both ears, my enthusiasm for making the trip from Florida has diminished somewhat.  Besides, all of my closest friends have crossed the bar except for J.R. Moore 1st Co., who is in poor health in Mississippi and won’t attend.  Also, looking at the prospects for peace and prosperity for the next two years makes it a real gamble that the world would be a safe place for travel and carefree visits.  Just thinking.  On the other hand, this really would be the Last Big One, a time to bid a final farewell to lifelong friends and share old memories one more time.

Thanks Hart.  For the rest of you, how about some additional inputs.  I know, it is 2 years away and at our ages we don’t know if we’ll be around; however, let’s think positive.

For those of you who don’t know, these columns are limited to 2000 words including pictures.  This column has less than 800 (not including pictures).  I need additional input from you folks.

To close on a happy note, our Granddaughter and her boyfriend announced over the Thanksgiving holidays that they are engaged and planning a wedding for June or July ’17.