SEC’Y: CAPT Dave Carruth, USN (Ret.)
                                                  7206 Danford Lane; Springfield, VA 22152
                                                   P: 703-569-1354        E: [email protected]
                                       WEBMASTER: John Tsiknas
                                                    15644 Caldas De Reyes, San Diego, CA 92128
                                                    E: [email protected] 
                                        WEB SITE:


I’m writing this in Feb. so the East Coast snowstorm is still fresh in our minds; it is in fact still present where it was pushed up into huge mounds.  The problem with that much snow is where to put it!  While it raised lots of problems the papers here were full of discussion concerning where were all the young men earning money by shoveling.  That is something I suspect most of us did when we were young.  In my neighborhood we have a collectively owned snow blower and the younger men, never having had a chance to really test it since purchase, had a ball which included clearing my drive and walks.  Warren Graham tells me one of his grandsons earned over $500 shoveling.  WOW!!!

The stories about our snow caused Fred Jackson 18th Co. to send me the following email; to all Mid-Westerners and East coast Classmates, my wife and I send you our sympathies.  If you would like to get out of the snow, come see us in Montana.  We live about 50 miles south of Missoula in Bitterroot Valley.  We watched you all, especially in the Washington area, wondering, “where do I put this snow?”  We might have had all of 5” which took me maybe 30 minutes to blow out of the driveway.  Our thoughts are with you.

Fred also sent the following:

Just received my Shipmate and your item about reduced Class Lunches.  I have had cataracts fixed and am being treated for macular degeneration in my left eye but was just able to renew my driver’s license until March 2020.  I still drive locally and, if we go on a long trip (not many any more) I can spell Fran every 2 hours.  In Montana, most places are a fair distance away.

Scribe’s note: It is now the 15th and it is snowing like crazy with about 3” on the ground already.

Once again Nan Baughman is on the go, this time for a month to visit all the West Coast Baughmans.  She left on Sun. 14 Feb. and will be home around 15 Mar.  She is already planning another trip west in Oct.

Warren Graham receives a yearly report on our Information Technology Endowment (#824800).   The fund was established in 1998 to provide funds to support the improvement of Information Technology Programs at the United States Naval Academy.
The financial summary 7/1/14 - 6/30/15 shows:
          Corpus*                             $1,137,848
          Market Value 6/30/15          $2,209,146
          Support to USNA in FY15   $80,069
          * Corpus is the sum of all gifts made to the fund less administrative fees over time.

Endowments that fall below corpus due to the decline in market value are suspended from spending until market values are restored above corpus.

Since the last column we have lost five Classmates and two wives:
                   7th Co.  Bill McCabe              1/30/16 #*
                   22nd Co. Andy McIntyre        1/19/16
                   20th Co. Rod Moore              1/7/16#*
                   22nd Co. George Parish          1/17/16#*
                   10th Co. Russ Vollertsen         2/10/16#*
                   # bio. in 50 year book  *bio. in 30 year book

Carolyn Ball wife of George Ball (deceased) 21st   Co.  Carolyn passed away on 2/4/16.  Carolyn ran George’s Law Office.  They raised two children, a boy (George Jr.) and a girl, (Louise) both of whom are now  lawyers.  For many years Carolyn and George, with the help of their family, hosted a “splash” party for the Class at their home each summer.  The pool was seldom used, but they grilled chicken to go with the food brought by the Classmates.  It was always a great gathering, which slowly dwindled as people passed away or moved away.  Fond memories for all of us who experienced one or more of these annual gatherings.

Marge Corson Wife of D.H. Corson Jr. (deceased)22nd Co.  Marge passed away on 12/31/13. Marge and Don raised two children, a boy (Scott) and a girl (JoAnn).  Margy enjoyed volunteering through the Junior League and played a number of roles in its children’s theater productions.  Watching the plays with grade school classes from all over the city, Scott and JoAnn particularly remember her role as Storyteller, when she would appear on stage before each scene to narrate the story.  China-doll beautiful and dressed in clouds of glittered pink netting, she was magic!

Scribe’s note:  As I feel certain you recognize, I find info for wives from their obits (if I get one) or from the 30 and 50 year books.  Please keep that in mind and get obits to me as appropriate.

We are fortunate that Sherry Uribe, Mike Childress’ daughter, attended a Class luncheon last September and took a picture, which included George Parish and Andrew McIntyre.

The people in the picture are, front to back on the left side of the table:
George Parish, Carolyn Rardin, Jean Resch, Betty Edwards (Andy’s sweetheart), Andrew McIntyre.  Right side of the table, front to back: Edward Y. Holt 18th Co., Erline Holt, Michael L. Childress 2nd Co., Kathy (Parish) Davidoske.

Health is of course a prime topic of conversation for people of our age.  Our provider told us at our last visit that we were good to go for another year and to keep doing whatever it is we are doing now, that of course includes gulping all the pills that go with 91 years of age.  Ty Dedman 13th Co. says, “our family doctor does hand springs when we come in, but she still keeps us loaded down with assorted pills mostly for age-related stuff like arthritis.  We consider ourselves “Blessed and Highly Favored”, as it says in the “Good Book”.

A note from Dale Carlson 2nd Co. :

Had a call and nice conversation with Bill Jarvis 14th Co.  Bill and Leticia are still enjoying various activities together.  Last month I sent a post card to Hal (H.A.) Smith 2nd Co. No answer. No card returned.  I am still vertical each day.  Drive to Hospice’s senior lunch most weekdays, but today I was with some model railroaders.

We started the column with snow so let’s close with another snow story.  Our son has been a patrolman at Snowshoe in WV for over 20 years and is a trained EMT.  He was patrolling on Valentine’s Day and says the crowd was huge.  He spent his whole day rendering aid and getting injured people off the mountain. The patrol used every ambulance in the area and had to call for two helo evacs as well.  He said the most common injury was a broken wrist from the snowboard park.  OUCH! While I miss skiing I don’t believe I would be happy with those crowds.