SEC’Y: CAPT Dave Carruth, USN (Ret.)
                                                  7206 Danford Lane; Springfield, VA 22152
                                                   P: 703-569-1354        E: [email protected]
                                       WEBMASTER: John Tsiknas
                                                    15644 Caldas De Reyes, San Diego, CA 92128
                                                    E: [email protected] 
                                        WEB SITE:


Over the years you have told the Class Scribes about your family reunions.  Some of you have gathered your troops together for a cruise, others for ski trips and so on.  Charlie Heid 17th Co. has a family tradition of getting together in the vicinity of Chesapeake Beach every other year.  He has, however, reported that one drawback to living long is that the reunion group not only keeps growing but grows faster.  Anyway, I liked Charlie’s approach and since my family likes the beach and is still of a manageable size we have rented a house on the beach on Isle of Palms, SC near Charleston for two weeks for the last two years.  An outstanding time has been had by all.  Even though I always have the Class laptop, which I inherited from Sumner, and I try to respond to important emails, when we came home this year I still had lots of emails and 52 phone calls.  Most of those phone calls left no message but one left a message which said, “Dave, this is your father.  Call me.”  Now that is a disturbing message when your father is deceased.  The solution came soon though when Bill Pierson  10th Co. called and asked if I had received a strange call purporting to be from my father .  Turns out he was redoing his speed dial list and put me in as “Dave” which is also his son’s name.  He then forgot what he had done and when calling his son punched “Dave” on his speed dial.  Needless to say I was glad to get his explanatory call.

Let’s revisit the replacement of bull gears.  The  following is from Bob Wilson  1st Co.

“Shipmate May-June Class Notes mentions removing a bull gear.  I was assigned to USS BOXER CV-21 when the bull gear was replaced in 1950.
Early in the Korean war BOXER was in Task Force 77, a circular formation of three carriers, two cruisers, and three divisions of destroyers.  Each carrier conducted independent air operations, dropping back and then charging through the formation on a course determined by the wind.  When FOX was two-blocked small boys sometimes had to scatter!

On 15 Sept ’50 at the invasion of Inchon, several teeth broke off of the bull gear of No. 4 engine (later ruled metal fatigue) and the shaft was locked.  BOXER Action Report to CNO states that the drag of the unfeatherable outboard screw made station keeping a challenge by slowing acceleration and speed, and requiring new rudder angles.  My job was Officer of the Deck.

From 7-10 Oct. ’50 the screw was removed in drydock No. 5 Yokosuka, and the ship returned to Korean operations.  From 21 Nov-22Dec ’50 in Drydock No. 3 San Francisco Naval Shipyard an opening through all decks was made and it was lifted out and replaced by another gear---quoted from BOXER Historical Report 1 July- 31 December ’50 to CNO.  This terse statement does not describe disemboweling the ship and leaving a huge square pit from the bilges to the sky.  Stay sober—from every deck you could have a long fall.

At the time I was told that the replacement gears came from USS TICONDEROGA, which was then inactive in Bremerton.  But in 1942 she went into reduced commission to transit to New York for a 29 month major rebuild, so I doubt if she had given up the gears.” 

Note from scribe:  I think this puts to bed the idea that bull gears cannot be replaced; however, this whole discussion was prompted by a question regarding the NORTH CAROLINA so I’m left with a question.  We now know it has been done on two carriers.  Was anyone aboard a BB when a bull gear was replaced?

Two items concerning the Brigade.  Andrew John Stephenson Class of 2011 was presented a check for $1000 by Don Buhrer 5th Company for achieving the highest average in Information Technology.  This award is given by the Class of 1948 and funded by the Class of 1948 Information Technology Fund.
Now to the other end, Class of 2015—A letter fromMid’n 4th Class Alec Eiber to USNA Class of 1948:

It has been my dream since seventh grade to attend the United States Naval Academy.  With your scholarship assistance, I was given an opportunity to attend the Hun School of Princeton, New Jersey as a post graduate, and thereafter received an appointment to the Naval Academy.  I am writing to thank you for the support of the Naval Academy Foundation, as well as sponsoring me financially at the Hun School.  The Foundation Program gave me the chance to attend the Academy.  On June 30, 2011, I will become a member of the Brigade of Midshipmen and serve in the United States Navy.  The Class of 1948 had a major role in allowing that to happen.

If accepted, I intend to go to Naval Flight School after graduation and become a pilot.  However, I would be just as happy in performing any naval assignment.  I remember receiving the letter from the Foundation in the mail and it was the second happiest moment in my life (the first was receiving the acceptance letter from the Superintendent!) My entire family and all of my friends and teachers are extremely proud that I am going to serve my country and attend the Naval Academy. 

I hope you know that in addition to my family, the support received by the Class of 1948 gave me the added resolve to excel during the post graduate year.  I am truly grateful for being allowed the honor of matriculating at the Naval Academy, as well as representing the Class of 1948 through the scholarship fund.  I am extremely thankful for the time you have devoted and the funds you have provided to assist applicants in achieving their dream of going to the Academy.  Thanks again, and Go Navy, Beat Army!
                                                          Sincerely, Alec Eiber

More on 2015-Charlie Heid swore his grandson into 2015 so he now has two grandchildren following in his footsteps.  His granddaughter Merideth is in Pensacola in flight training, helicopters, and expects to get her wings around the end of this year.

Claire Frahler sends along the following:

We were in D.C. last week end (that would have been April 16/17) to see our grandson play baseball with Bucknell against Navy at Annapolis.  Stayed with our son Don ’72 (retired CAPT) in Alexandria.  His daughter works for John Boehner, majority speaker.  She showed us around the Capital and who should we see but her boss and got this picture.

  From left to right, Don Frahler ’72, Andy Frahler ’48 13th Co., Claire Frahler, Rep. John Boehner, Ohio, Majority Speaker.   

For your records, Rose Ahern has moved to Cherry Hill, NJ to be closer to her family.  She is now in Apt. 215 at the Cadbury Apts in Cherry Hill.

An interesting email from Bob McClinton 11th Co. on 5 June.  My crew and I raced WEIGH TO GO on Memorial Day Weekend in her eighth and final Swiftsure (Canada).  Took a second place in this one.  She is now on the hard at Port Townsend and for sale.   Sigh!  She has served us magnificently for ten years and was raced year ‘round.

Scribe’s note-that expression “on the hard” threw  me and I asked him if he meant “in the yard”.  Seems in the sailing community “on the hard” means the boat is on dry land as opposed to being afloat.  Makes sense when you think about it.

Bob then went on, Gunvor and I have bought a 1990 J/35 which will be named INTREPID.  My crew and I will man her this week and bring her home from Seattle.  She’s one foot shorter-but 3,000 lbs. less displacement.  Her assigned PHRF (racing handicap) is 72: our Pearson 36 was 168.  (In a race INTREPID would give 96 seconds per mile to WEIGH TO GO for corrected time). We are moving from a cruiser/racer to a racer/cruiser.  This should prove to be exciting for all hands-and her skipper-and we’ll continue to race year ‘round.  INTREPID will want more rail meat, so we’ll race with seven of us whereas WEIGH TO GO liked six.

At our stage in life each column must say goodbye to close friends and Classmates.  This column is no exception.
          10th Company  Ross, E.H.  5/29/11
          2nd Company    Stone, T.E.  6/12/11
          10th Company  Hoffman, R.A.  6/24/11
          Berberian, Priscilla  6/1/11  wife of Levon Berberian 20th Company (deceased)
          Brooks, Mary Louise 6/18/11  wife of W.H. Brooks 15th Company (deceased
Our prayers are with the families.
Our numbers continue to thin.
Finally, a reminder that things are still changing.  An email from Ann McCallum.  June Week is now in May and is called Commissioning Week.  I learned this and much more when our family attended to watch Thomas Deeter, grandson of the late Bunny McCallum, toss his cover high in the air at the end of the graduation of the Class of 2011.  His grandfather would have been proud to see Thomas lead the Seventeenth Company as company commander.  Now Thomas is headed to San Diego where he will report aboard a guided missile destroyer (USS PREBLE DDG 88)

Tomorrow is our Nation’s birthday.  I hope each of you displayed the flag.