Washington Area Lunch - September 12, 2014
Report and pictures were submitted by Dave Carruth


Yesterday thirty-four of us got together for lunch at the Army-Navy Country Club.  It was a great gathering (see the pictures for who was there except for Jean and Charlie Mertz who’s picture I seem to have lost.) and, as usual, the companionship exceeded the food and drink.  We were pleased to have with us Ann and Boyd Sibert who were in town from Naples, FL.
         We had said that we would discuss the future of these luncheons.  For a very long time we have followed the timing of every other month, second Friday, which boiled down to Sept., Nov., Jan., March and May.  Then we skipped June, July and Aug. starting over in Sept.  The location has generally been the Army-Navy Country Club to take advantage of the availability of parking.  We also liked the “sun porch” in the old Club.  We occasionally went to Annapolis and in the last few years we have gone to the Pirate’s Cove in Gailsville, MD, which all hands seem to enjoy.  We moved that date to April vice May so the Midshipmen could join us.  Since our attendance at all luncheons has dropped off it seemed logical to determine what people wanted to do.  While our discussion at this luncheon seemed to indicate that those in attendance would like to continue as before they recognized that perhaps it was time to reduce the number of luncheons.  Under consideration now is dropping back to two, Sept. and April with a need for someone to take on the task of making the arrangements now that Warren and Nancy live in Asburn, VA which makes it difficult for Warren to make the arrangements.  As an aside, Warren has been maintaining his membership in the Club so that we could use the facility.  That was costing him $300/month.  When they moved he asked the Club board if he could go to absentee membership and still use the Club for our luncheons and they approved his request.  If we go to two luncheons per year that does not preclude anyone from setting up an ad hoc gathering and Roger Carlquist said he might try to set one up for 6 Nov. at the Academy Club in the Yard. He will let me know.  John Fry says he can do likewise at Ginger Cove so we’ll see how things progress.  I will keep you apprised.
         From what you tell me from the hinterlands there are no regular gatherings of the Class of ’48 and reading through the Chapter news I don’t see ’48 mentioned very often.  I would like to have some input on this subject for the Shipmate column so if you can provide please do so.

3013                                       Anne & Boyd Sibert
3014                     Greta Goldman, John & Dolly Rasmussen
3015                             Greta Goldman
3016                                 John & Toni Fry
3017  Bob & Judy Flood  (Bob is waring a sling because he just got out of the hospital from having his pacemaker replaced)
3018                               Nancy & Warren Graham
3019       Bob Smith, Ed Sutter & his daughter Pamela Uncles
3020                                       Elizabeth Reed
3021                                    Helga & Bob Smith
3022                                   Alice & Tom O’Connor
3023                                   Ann-Marie & Bing Sisson
3025                                      Cab & Libby Davis
3026                   Tom O’Connor, Patty & Tony Duncan, Cab Davis
3027                                 Roger & Amante Carlquist
3031                               Betty Carruth & Grace Harkins
3032                                 Dave & Betty Carruth
3033                                              Jim & Mary Beggs