Washington Area Lunch - January 8, 2010

The first five pictures were submitted by Eileen Proulx, Alumni Association Reunion/Class Coordinator. Dave Carruth submitted the remainder.

Following is Dave Carruth's note to the webmaster that accompanied the photos:

There were 30 Classmate/wives at the luncheon.  Byron Marchant (our speaker and President/CEO of the Alumni Assoc/Foundation) gave a long power point covering the Association and Foundation organization and some insight into the financial situation.  Only four questions were asked:

Q: What are the Long Term plans for Shipmate magazine:  Will you go down from 8 issues?
 A:  No, but we will look at other media type

Q:  Any chance of Shipmate! e going up from 8?  
A:  No, not financially capable.  We might even look to see if any alumni that might be willing to give up their "hard copy" of Shipmate and just receive it electronically-we do want to keep the issues at 8.

Q: Who does our investments?  
A:  TIFF manages our endowments; they are a reliable group.  We have an investment committee, and I can give you the names of those on the committee if you are interested.

Q: When do you plan on reporting the results of the survey and how are you going to go about doing so?

A: Working a format rep;ort now and we're hoping to get it out to Alumni be mid February.  Electronically most likely.

I find it fairly obvious that the push is toward electronic means of preferred communication between Alumni and the Association.  The survey was sent to 45,026 and 11,324 responded.  That's a 25% participation rate which from my experience is fair.  The survey was closed out in Sept.        Dave

001p     Bill Bass, Byron Marchant (our speaker and President/CEO of Alumni Asoc.), Bob Ghormley
002p                                   Marguerite Heid, Byron Marchant, Charlie Heid
003p                                   Warren Graham, John Fry, Bob Ghormley, Don Buhrer
004p                           Facing the camera: John Fry, Warren Ortland
009p                                      Byon Marchant making presentation
021c                                Barbara and Warren Ortland
022c                                                         Charlie and Jean Mertz