Washington Area Lunch - January 9, 2009
Picture was submitted by Dave Carruth
Following is Dave Carruth's note to the webmaster that accompanied the photo:
The regular Washington/Annapolis Class luncheon, which occurs on the second Friday of odd months except for July, was held on Jan. 9th. We had 31 people in attendance and were very happy to have Elizabeth Reed and Bill Harkins among them. Hank Corley is a regular attendee but is recovering from a stroke. He says he will be on deck for the Mar. luncheon. Our normal attendance exceeds 40 so Warren asked if we should drop the Jan. (dark ages) luncheon but the response was a resounding no. We had no guest speaker and the only business was an update of balances in the Annapolis checking account ($24,396.74), the Gate fund ($6,302.61), the Flower fund ($14,818.96) and our $2M gift ($1,497,963.22). Since the Foundation rules state that the Class giving a gift similar to the Gate is responsible for its upkeep the Gate fund must remain intact to cover that obligation. The checking account is our reunion and homecoming operating fund. It is interesting to note that the $2M gift is holding up pretty well with interest earned.
Warren is looking into a possible luncheon cruise on the Dandy. We did that once before many years ago now and it was well received. I suspect Warren will shoot for May.