Second Annual Cruise Photos
January 17 to January 29, 2011
Submitted by Rhona Gorder & Bill Pierson

Following is a note from Rhona and Chuck Gorder:

Dear All,
It was so great to see you all on the class cruise recently. We know
that we had a good time and sure hope that you did too! The Class is so
special and so it was wonderful to see everyone getting to know each
other again. Attached is the promised roster. If we've made any typos
please let us know and we'll make the changes. We are copying Dave
Carruth with the roster in case there is any updated information. We've
added Ellie Chernick at the bottom of the list. Ellie is the former Navy
Wave from the same era, that the ship assigned to an empty seat at one
of our dinner tables. Ellie was traveling alone and said to let you all
know how wonderful you made her vacation. She said she felt so welcome
from day one and enjoyed meeting you all. She stopped by the happy hour
on the last night to convey the message and wiped away a few tears as
she gave her thanks.

We will send the pictures taken by the ship photographer one at a time
under separate cover. John, please upload them to the class website. Thanks.

Other pictures will come later.

Again, it was so very good to see you all. Please let us know if you are
interested in another cruise next year and give some destinations you'd
like to visit.

Very best wishes, and BEAT ARMY!!

Rhona and Chuck Gorde

To see the roster and directory of the cruise attendees, press here.

Photos will be best seen by gong to screen full view (Press F11 on most browsers)

The first three photos were taken by the ship's photographer. The remaining photos were submitted by Rhona Gorder and Bill Pierson. Bill's photos are identified by the letters "BP" following the identification number in the lower left corner of the photo.

001     back row left to right: John Fry, Don Buhrer, Hart Stringfellow
           Next row forward: Bill Bass, Bob Smith, Bill Pierson, Bill Kanzler, Bob Flood
                         Dan Shockey, Chuck Gorder, Charles Mertz, Warren Graham
           Front: Hank Corley, Bob Chadima, Mike Rose
Men posed in the same order as above photo

women back row:
Helga Smith, Rhona Gorder Jean Corley (in pink), Judith Flood, Nancy Graham, Toni Fry (in white), Marcia Adams, Dotty Shockey, Carol Manganaro (gold top)
Marilyn Rose, Marion Buhrer, Jean Mertz, Muriel Pierson
                003   back row: Charles Gorder, Jr.
                         next row: Janet Gorder Dabbert, Carol Gorder Greist
                         front row: Rhona and Chuck Gorder
                      004 Chuck 150 lb football star Baltimore Sports Museum
005                       Chuck at Sports Museum in Baltimore
006                             Gorder family Babe Ruth Museum
007                     At Sea formal night Chuck & Charles Gorder
008                       Bob Flood, Warren Graham, Hart Stringfellow
009                                      Buhrer, Don and Marion
010                                  Buhrer, Marilyn, Dabbert, Janet
011                                   Carol Manganaro and Carol Greist
013                                         Fry, Toni & John
                             014                  Gorder, Chuck
015                                       Helga and Bob Smith
016                   Pierson, Bill, Rose, Mike and Marilyn, Pierson, Muriel
018          Shockey Dan & Dotty, Kanzler Bill, Adams, Marcia, Gorder, Chuck
019                       Shockey, Dan & Dotty, Bill Bass, Carol Manganaro
020   Bill Bass, Janet Dabbert, Charles Gorder, Jr., Carol Greist, Carol Manganaro
021                                         Bill Pierson, John Fry
022                    Bob Chadima, Hart Stringfellow, Pat Russell
023                        Charles Mertz, Jean Mert, Ellie Chernick
024  Group: Pierson, Fry John and Toni, Dotty Dan Shockey, Marcia Adams, Bill Kanzler
025                          Marilyn Rose, Judith Flood
026                      Mary Lou Wenger, Muriel Pierson
027                           Mike Rose, Charles Mertz, Chuck Gorder
028                                       Nancy Graham Bob Flood
029                                              Toni Fry, Dotty Shockey
030                Warren Graham, Rhona Gorder, Nancy Graham, Bob Flood
031  Charles Gorder, Jr., Carol Greist, Janet Dabbert Gorderand Chuck Gorder, Labadee
032           Enchantment of the Seas, Labardee, Haiti.
033                              Bill Bass
034   Chuck Gorder, Charles, Janet, Carol, Cayo Levantado Beach, Dominican Republic
035                  Bob Smith, Bob Chadima, Chuck Gorder
036                          Returning to Enchantment, Dominican Republic
037                  Captain on deck docking in San Juan, Puerto Rico
038               Charles and Chuck Gorder, Carol Greist Castillo San Cristobal
039                    Gorder family Castillo Sana Cristobal, Peurto Rico
040        Muriel Pierson, Hart Stringfellow, Bob Chadima, Pat Russell, Mary Lou,
                      Judy McCarthy, Bill Pierson, Chuck & Rhona Gorder
041       Pat Russell, Muriel Pierson, Chuck and Rhona Gorder, Judy McCarthy,
                             MaryLou, Hart Strngfellow, Bob Chadima
042                                   Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas
043                                 Rhona and Chuck Gorder St. Thomas
044       Rhona and Chuck Gorder, Charlotte Amalie, St. Thomas
045                Chuck and Rhona Gorder, Philipsburg, St. Maarten
046  Chuck Gorder and daughter Janet Dabbert
047   Mural Tortola B.V.I.
048   Mural2 Tortola, B.V.I.
049   Rhona and Chuck island views Tortolla BVI.
050   Rhona and Chuck Island Views2 Tortolla BVI.J
                            051               Tortola, B.V.I.
052   Tortolla Cane Beach Arrival
053   Tortolla Cane Beach Charles Janet Carol
054   Tortolla Cane Beach Rhona and Chuck
055   Tortolla Cane Garden Bay
056   Tortolla Island View
057   Tortolla Rose Bay
058   Tortolla, B.V.I. Janet and our bus driver Mr. Potter
059   Two ships with crowd
060   Jean Mertz, Lulu Pierson, Charlie Mertz, Bill Pierson
061   Judy, Pat, Mary Lou, Ellie
062   Sunset last night at sea Rhona Gorder 1-28-11
063   Baltimore Sunrise 1-29-11
064-BP                            Chuck and Rhona Gorder
065-BP   Dotty Shockey, Bill Bass, Carol Manganaro and Wiltonour waiter
066-BP                          Hart Stringfellow, Bob Chadima, John and Toni Fry
067-BP                             Jean and Charles Mertz
068-BP                                      Nancy and Warren Graham
069-BP                                 Nancy and Warren Graham
070-BP                  Toni Fry, Helga and Bob Smith
071-BP                                Muriel and Bill Pierson
072-BP            Mary Lou, Muriel Pierson, Nancy Graham
073-BP        Muriel Pierson and dancers in Dominican Republic
074-BP                                Bill and Muriel Pierson
075-BP   Bill Pierson, Mike and Marilyn Rose, Muriel Pierson in the ship theater
076-BP                                          Bob Chadima, Muriel Pierson
077-BP                                     Helga and Bob Smith
                            078-BP   Bill and Muriel Pierson
                             079-BP                 Hart Stringfellow
                         080-BP   Marcia Adams, Bill Kanzler, Muriel Pierson
                            081-BP   Mike Rose, Muriel and Bill Pierson
                                                 San Juan Puerto Rico
                            082-BP          Warren Graham