Homecoming - October 2013
Report and photos by Dave Carruth

Thanks to the efforts of John Fry and his dedicated troops we had a very good multi-class Homecoming Champaign dinner at Ginger Cove on Friday evening, 25 October.  One hundred two gathered, representing classes from 1943 to 2014 so there were 71 years at the USNA on show.  We had five mid’n (4 male, 1 female), all regimental stripers, accompanied by CAPT Bill Woodward USMC and his wife Devon.  The Champaign, wine and trays of cheese, fruit, crackers of many kinds, etc. were consumed as we gathered at 1730 in the Annapolis Room prior to dinner.  I found it very interesting to watch the midshipmen circulating through the crowd talking with the rest of us.  They were adept at both answering and asking questions and they were also good listeners.  As I have commented many times, our 24th Co. mid’n who lunch with us each year are very impressive and leave us with the comfortable feeling that our Navy’s future is in good hands.  These representatives of 2014 were equally impressive.

The classes represented at the homecoming were as follows:
                  ’43                  10
                  ’44                  15
                  ’45                  17
                  ’46                    2
                  ’47                    3
                  ’48                  10
                  ’50                   12
                  ’51                     3                    
                  ’52                     6
                  ’53                     2
                  ’54                     1
                  ’56                     5
                  ’57                     4
                  ’58                     2
                  ’61                     2
                  ’69                     1
              2014                     5
The Class of ’48 attendees were, John and Toni Fry, Roger and Amante Carlquist, Bob and Judy Flood, Dave and Betty Carruth, Marion Buhrer and Carol Manganaro.
John & Toni, Marion and Carol live at Ginger Cove.  Betty and I live in Springfield, VA.  Roger and Amante and Bob and Judy live about 5 minutes away.  I have no idea how many of the others live in Ginger Cove but I think most of the others live in or very near Annapolis. 

The food was excellent, well presented and served, but from participation and observation the company was even better. 

The few pictures I took are included herewith.   Dave

2905                                                                 Amante & Roger Carlquist

2906                                                          Judy & Bob Flood

2909                                                                        Mid'n Lasch
2910                                                             Mid'n Colby
2911                                                         Mid'n Doyl
2912                                                       General view of dining room
2913                                                   Geneal view of dining room
2918                                    CAPT Bill Woodward USMC and wife Devon
2919                                                  Carol Manganaro and Marion Buhrer
2920                                                                      John & Toni Fry