Gate 1 - Reconstruction - May 2008 To those classmates that answered the call for support rebuilding our Memorial Gate, please accept the heartfelt thanks of Tom Hayward and me. We completed construction about ten days ago and it is beautiful. We have had considerable rain this week which is a blessing on the many trees and plants we put in. I am making every attempt to organize a short informal ceremony re-dedicating the gate on June the 11th at 1400 that afternoon. The superintendent will not be able to attend but I hope to get the newly assigned commandant if he is on board. I am attaching two photos [Photo ID's F0011& F0012] of the gate.
Warmest regards, Phil Rogers |
June 3, 2008 Update from Phil Rogers Here are two additional photos of Gate One. One shows the three large gardens Photo [ID F0020] we created where the benches had previously been located and the other one [Photo ID F0021] shows the three benches alongside of the Prince George St. entrance pedestrian walkway. We have thus utilized all of our facilities from the original in this new design.
F0011 |
F0012 |
F0020 |
F0021 |