The following is a newspaper article that was clipped by
Dave Carruth’s mother. The best that we can figure out is that it was
written around the first of June 1947 by Los Angeles Times columnist Bill
the Way
With Bill Henry
isn’t very far away from here so it seemed part of the job to check up and find
out if Southern California still is doing its
share in manning the “first line of defense.”
In case you’re too tired to check the detail—it certainly is.
MIDDIES—When the boys march up
there to get their diplomas and commissions at the Naval
Academy at Dahlgren Hall there will be
more from California
than from any other State. Pennsylvania has 37 graduates, New
York has 39 and California
has 49 of whom 31 are from south of the Tehachapi. We’re doing all right matrimonially,
too. Ensign William K. Yates of San Gabriel is marrying
Sybil Bastear today at the chapel, leading all other
graduates to the altar. Lt. Floyd A.
Cuff of Pico is marrying Betty Jo Sullivan of San Francisco on Sunday.
Performance—You’re covering a lot of territory with nearly
half a hundred snappy young middies and, skipping lightly among the California
group, here are some of the many distinctions earned by those from the Los
Angeles area—probably overlooking some.
Earl Barondes of Los Angeles was on the varsity football squad
and dabbled outside as business manager of the Masquerade and combined musical
clubs. Ralph Behrends
of Los Angeles
was an expert rifleman and vice-president of the Newman Club. David Carruth was an expert rifleman, won a
class swimming award and was mixed up with the choir, the glee club and the
radio club.
Activities—Joseph Daniel Costello (ex-Caltech) was rated
high scholastically, an expert rifleman, skipper of the boat club and won
gymnastic and sailing awards, Floyd Cuff of Pico was in the first quarter of
his class and picked up two of the coveted N awards in track, bearing stars
denoting participation in a victory over the Army. Tyler Dedman, an
ole Dorsey High boy, was high scholastically and was secretary-editor of the
Lucky Bag, the yearbook. Gordon Farmer
of Alhambra won sundry distinctions all of which
were added to war decorations earned while serving as an enlisted man aboard
the Enterprise and Saratoga.
He’s getting married today.
Honors—Midshipman Willard Felsen
of Los Angeles
had high scholarship and qualified as an expert rifleman. Robert Hugh Gormley
of Ventura won
numerals in crew and soccer and was an active member of the wardroom
panel. Thomas Bibb Hayward of Glendale
was an expert rifleman and member of the midshipman budget committee. Robert Hemmes was
scholastically high and won a sailing award.
Sheldon Leon Hirsch of Los
Angeles was scholastically high, participated in
boxing and football and was a company representative. Gordon Hogg of Los Angeles, another beribboned ex-enlisted
man, stood high scholastically and was feature and professional editor of the
weekly news and humor magazine.
distinction fell to Edgar Allen Hollister of Santa Barbara, a beribboned ex-marine who
also participated in swimming, football and track. Walter Paul Houk of
Los Angeles
mixed scholarship with track, volleyball, basketball, class ring and crest
committee and being on the staff of Trident.
Paul Keenan Jr. of Los Angeles
was high scholastically and expert rifleman.
Raymond Lochner of Baldwin Park, another ex-enlisted man, was
manager of the Log, director of the sound and movie gang among other
things. William McKinley of Venice,
James Ostiller of Beverly Hills, William Reavis of Balboa Island, Hugh Sanders of Ventura, Glenn
Savage of La Habra, Arnold Silverman of Alhambra, Frank Simpson II of Los
Angeles, Jack Stufflembeam of Santa Monica and
William Kirby Yates of San Gabriel likewise distinguished themselves, the
latter being lieutenant commander in the middie
brigade organization.